BMD -VPT Machine on Rent / Bone Mineral Densitometers - Rajasthan - Other services, Rajasthan - 2842451


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BMD -VPT Machine on Rent / Bone Mineral Densitometers - Other services

Ref. number: 2842451 Updated: 03-12-2019 11:01

Price: 5 000 INR Rs

Offering: Other services in India, Rajasthan

We deal in providing best Bone Mineral Densitometers from the brand Osteoys and provide major models of QUS / DEXA BMD Machines. You can contact us for BMD Machine Rental Services and ask for BMD Machine on Rent. We deliver BMD Machines across India and provide it at affordable prices along with the availablity of 24x7. You can anytime contact us for BMD Machine on Rent. We deal in Biothesiometer from the brand Neurovibe that is best in terms of performance and delivers accurate result of Diabetic Neuropathy. We provide Biothesiometer on Rent for Neuropathy Detection Camps and provide it at most affordable prices across India. If you need Neurovibe Biothesiometer then feel free in contacting us. We deliver it to clinics, diagnostic centers, laboratories and other medical institutions!

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Contact information
First name: Ashish
Last name: Khandelwal
Phone number: 7219984630
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